Colchester photo albums

To see slide shows of some of the less well-known parts of Colchester, click on the pictures below. During the slide show, you can click on a picture to get further info, if it's available.

Specialist shops

Specialist shops


Inner green spaces

Inner green spaces


East Hill

East Hill


East Street


New Town
(Magdalen St)


The first Co-op on Colchester

New Town




East Bridge


The Hythe (old)


The Hythe (new)


Balkerne Heights

Balkerne Heights


Greenstead Estate

Greenstead Estate


Greenstead Road

Greenstead Road




06 July, 2007

New Aldi's on Magdalen Street

Last month, the new Aldi store in Magdalen Street opened with a bit of a fanfare – and mixed feelings in the mind of Poncrinator. It‘s good to have a new shopping area to which people can walk from local homes: much more of this is needed in Colchester, which has polarized into town centre shops versus edge-of-town superstores, causing car journeys for every shopping trip, and isolation for the old and poor. The creation of pedestrian access at the back of the site into the New Town area is a good move. Architecturally, however, this is just one more "backing into the future" building for Magdalen Street and Colchester.

It is evident that there have been attempts to give the street-face of the building some variety and rhythm but, in reality, the features are just stick-on nostalgia bits. These presumably please the planners as, except for a few notable exceptions (mainly around the Hythe), Colchester is becoming overwhelmed with similarly poor stuff.


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