Colchester photo albums

To see slide shows of some of the less well-known parts of Colchester, click on the pictures below. During the slide show, you can click on a picture to get further info, if it's available.

Specialist shops

Specialist shops


Inner green spaces

Inner green spaces


East Hill

East Hill


East Street


New Town
(Magdalen St)


The first Co-op on Colchester

New Town




East Bridge


The Hythe (old)


The Hythe (new)


Balkerne Heights

Balkerne Heights


Greenstead Estate

Greenstead Estate


Greenstead Road

Greenstead Road




31 March, 2007

Street sequences in the town centre

It's always a pleasure to wander through Colchester’s town centre, or at least the small back streets. The non-linear arrangement of open spaces makes every turning interesting. One is never quite sure what to expect – whether it's going to be a church, a small green space, a couple of benches in a pedestrian street or a water fountain surrounded by shop frontages. The opportunity to discover the town over and over again is one of the refreshing and fascinating aspects of Colchester. Apart from the pedestrianised areas, the High Street provides generous pavements for shoppers to browse shop fronts and well-designed paving and crossing points allow for ease of movement. Gratifying, too, is the enlightened decision to do away with pedestrian barriers along the High Street. This has resulted in a central space, presided over by the attractive timber framed post office, which feels owned by pedestrians and cars alike, and even offering shoppers the chance (if lucky) to briefly stop their car outside the required shop. The only time the High Street becomes unpleasant is at weekend nights, but that problem is beyond even the powers of architects.


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