A number of derelict buildings associated with Doe's Mill at East Bay (East Bridge, East Street) were demolished this week - and it's good to note that one of the mill's original buildings (18th century), pictured above, has been spared. According to the council's planning website (see link right), the area will be redeveloped to include a number of new one and two-bedroom "housing units" and other refurbished buildings to provide "retirement and affordable apartments". A riverside path will be added. It's an attractive spot with much potential, but don't get too excited: a look at the drawings confirms one's suspicions that when a project is categorized as "affordable", architects and developers (with the collusion of planners) are free to produce poor stuff. See
more pix of the site. See also Evening Gazette article:
"Colchester Disgrace". For location, see
map, waypoint 6.