Colchester photo albums

To see slide shows of some of the less well-known parts of Colchester, click on the pictures below. During the slide show, you can click on a picture to get further info, if it's available.

Specialist shops

Specialist shops


Inner green spaces

Inner green spaces


East Hill

East Hill


East Street


New Town
(Magdalen St)


The first Co-op on Colchester

New Town




East Bridge


The Hythe (old)


The Hythe (new)


Balkerne Heights

Balkerne Heights


Greenstead Estate

Greenstead Estate


Greenstead Road

Greenstead Road




12 July, 2006

Have your say on the Draft Master Plan
for the Hythe

Have just been in to the East Colchester Regeneration Office on Hythe Quay to view the council's plans for the regeneration of King Edward Quay and Haven Road. It's well-presented and the staff are are very willing to explain things further. You get the opportunity to give your views in a questionnaire. It's worth a visit and it's on until 22 July 2006. Also at the Central Library in town, and a few other locations.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's great to see that the Hythe is in the process of being made accessible and usable to more people. Does this mean however that existing users will have to move? Judging by the artist's impressions of the new development there won't be any space (in physical and social terms) for the current dwellers of the Hythe.

It looks as though the green-eyed 'monster of gentrification' is about to creep in once again. It will take over, displacing everyone local to the area in the process.

Why can't the town and its planners find an inclusive way of developing? The Hythe will be a better place for it!

Tuesday, 19 December, 2006  

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